Conférence internaltional : Crossing Borders with a New Medium: Radio and Imperial Identities

 International Conference

 New Dates 24th-25th September 2020

“Crossing Borders with a New Medium: Radio and Imperial Identities”

Le Programme  en ligne  

The Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC) at Universidade Católica Portuguesa will host the conference. It will take place within the framework of the research project “Broadcasting to the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity” funded by FCT and FEDER. 

 ‘Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity’ (BiPE) is a research project based in the Research Center for Communication and Culture (CECC). It aims to contribute to scholarship on Media, Empires and Colonialisms, namely through an interdisciplinary research approach that intersects the history of broadcasting with the history of the late Portuguese colonialism. One of the research goals is to understand the extent to which radio, as a new electronic medium of the first half of the 20th century, contributed to bolster and construct national and imperial identities across the territories of the Portuguese colonial empire. 

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